The Content Creation Process

Navigating the ever-evolving terrain of SEO poses unique challenges and opportunities for businesses seeking to make an impact. The essential role of high-quality, SEO-optimized articles and landing pages. How do you go about creating content that is both compelling and SEO-friendly? At ScaledOn, we have your definitive guide, outlining the meticulous steps our SEO copywriters take to bring your content to life and make it shine in the search rankings. 🌟

Business Insights 👨🏻‍💼

We Understand Your Business Goals

Before creating content, we want to understand your business goals and metrics that drive success. For example, are you looking to increase brand awareness or focus on the launch of a new E-commerce product? These objectives guide the type of content we produce, whether it’s educational blog posts or high-converting landing pages.

Who is Your Target Audience?

Understanding your target audience is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. This involves creating buyer personas, studying Google Analytics, and conducting surveys as needed to know who we are writing for. An article that resonates with a Gen Z audience will differ markedly from one targeted at Baby Boomers. Consequently, the different tactics used will differ as well.

Demographic Insight

Understanding demographics such as age, location, and income is essential. With these insights, we can tailor the language and tone of the content to engage your target audience better.

Psychographic Analysis

Beyond demographics, knowing the attitudes, values, and behaviors of your audience can deepen the content’s relevance. For instance, eco-conscious brands might find value in creating SEO-optimized landing pages that emphasize sustainability.

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Content Clustering ⚛

In the age of semantic search and evolving Google algorithms, traditional keyword-based SEO practices are increasingly giving way to more nuanced and comprehensive strategies. One such cutting-edge strategy is topic clustering, a method designed to deepen the relationship between a central topic and its related subtopics through a coherent and interconnected web of content. This approach caters to search engines’ desires for contextual relevance and elevates the user experience by offering a structured, informative journey through a subject matter. At ScaledOn, we place a premium on planning content clusters to bring cohesiveness, authority, and searchability to your digital content landscape.

Building an Effective Content Cluster Strategy

The implementation of an effective content cluster strategy starts with the identification of “pillar” content and “cluster” content. A pillar page serves as the main hub for a specific topic, providing a comprehensive overview and linking out to various cluster pages that delve into the topic’s subthemes in greater detail. These cluster pages, in turn, link back to the pillar page and among each other, forming a tightly-knit content ecosystem that is easily navigable for both search engines and human users.

Topic Research 🕵🏼‍♂️

  • Understanding Industry Trends: Staying ahead of the curve is vital. Our team constantly monitors market trends and emerging topics using tools like Google Trends and BuzzSumo to ensure your content is relevant and timely.
  • Competitive Analysis: Knowing what your competitors are up to can give you an edge. We perform SWOT analyses on competitor content to identify gaps and opportunities.
  • Consumer Needs and Queries: Addressing the questions your target audience is asking can set you apart as a thought leader. We use platforms like Answer the Public to identify commonly asked questions in your industry.
  • Content Calendar Creation: Consistency is key in any SEO strategy. Based on our findings, we create a robust content calendar that ensures regular posting of high-quality, SEO-optimized articles and landing pages.

Keyword Research 📑

Identifying Relevant Keywords

Keyword research is the backbone of SEO. We use sophisticated tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to identify high-ranking keywords relevant to your industry. These tools offer insights into search volumes, competition levels, and more, helping us create a targeted list of keywords to incorporate into your content.

Local SEO and Long-Tail Keywords

Local SEO can be a goldmine for businesses looking to dominate in specific regions. Similarly, long-tail keywords offer excellent ROI as they often have less competition and a more targeted reach. For instance, instead of targeting a broad term like “organic food,” a long-tail keyword such as “organic food delivery in Boston” can bring in more qualified leads.

Seasonal Keywords

Sometimes, SEO is all about timing. Seasonal keywords relevant to holidays or events can offer an excellent opportunity to boost your visibility on search engines.

Topical SEO

Topical SEO involves creating content around topic clusters, not just individual keywords. By understanding the intent behind a query, we can create comprehensive content that answers the user’s question comprehensively.

Reach Out for Keyword Research
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Writing the Content via a Copy-writer or AI

The Human Touch: Copywriter-Generated Content 📝

While AI has made significant strides in content creation, there is an element of human touch that machines can’t replicate. Our copywriters are not just skilled in grammar and language; they also bring an understanding of tone, nuances, and emotional triggers that make content resonate with an audience.

The AI Advantage: Scalability and Speed 🤖

There are instances where AI can be invaluable, especially when you need to churn out large volumes of product content. It’s all about the balance. By using both human copywriters and AI, we can maintain quality while meeting your budget needs.

Blending Human and AI Capabilities

Sometimes, the best approach is a blend of both worlds. We often use AI for the initial draft, and then our human copywriters refine it, adding the emotional depth and subtlety that only a human can.

Ethics and Authenticity

Whether human or machine-written, all content goes through rigorous checks for plagiarism and factual inaccuracies to ensure authenticity and reliability.

Review the Content for the Right SEO Goals 👀

Technical SEO 

Our job isn’t done after the first draft. The next step is to ensure that the content aligns with SEO goals. This involves using correct heading titles, meta tags, and implementing schema markup.

Content Relevance and Quality

SEO = Quality

Our team reviews the content to ensure it offers value to the reader. This improves user engagement and contributes positively to SEO metrics like dwell time and click-through rates.

On-Page SEO Elements

From URL structure to internal linking, every on-page element is optimized to maximize your content’s SEO potential.

Off-Page SEO Strategies

Your content’s reach extends beyond your website. We strategize on how to gain backlinks and social shares to improve your domain authority.

Creating and Integrating Media 📸

Unique vs. Stock Images

A picture is worth a thousand words, but not all images are created equal. Whenever possible, we advocate for unique, high-quality images that can significantly improve engagement levels. However, when time is of the essence, high-quality stock images can also do the trick.

Media Integration and SEO

But it’s not just about inserting an image here and there. Image optimization for SEO—such as adding alt tags, compressing file sizes, and ensuring mobile responsiveness — is critical for enhancing the user experience and improving rankings.

Video Content

The power of video content in 2023 cannot be ignored. If relevant, we can integrate or create video content that aligns with your brand voice and SEO goals.

Infographics and Data Visualizations

Complex data and concepts can be simplified and made more engaging through infographics and other visualizations, which can also be valuable assets for link-building.

Contact Us for Media That Moves

Optimize Content for a Higher Conversion 🤑

In the quest for SEO-optimized content, converting visitors into customers. When new visitors land on your SEO-optimized articles or landing pages, they’re at the start of a journey. The layout, design, and content of the page serve as guideposts directing them toward a specific action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a whitepaper. At ScaledOn, we meticulously optimize this path to maximize conversions without sacrificing the quality of content or user experience.

The Art and Science of Crafting Conversion Paths

Creating an effective conversion path involves a fine balance between art and science. Art comes into play when crafting compelling calls to action, visually appealing design elements, and engaging content that speaks to the reader’s needs and desires. The science comes into focus when we delve into analytics to understand visitor behavior, perform A/B tests to determine what resonates with the audience and refine our strategies accordingly.

The Power of CTAs

A well-placed and well-crafted Call to Action (CTA) can make all the difference in guiding your visitor to the next step. CTAs should be clear, concise, and enticing, urging the visitor to take immediate action. Whether it’s a “Buy Now” button or an invitation to “Learn More,” every CTA is a pivotal point in the conversion path.

Analytics and Data-Driven Decisions

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Web analytics provide invaluable insights into how visitors interact with your site. By studying metrics like bounce rate, time spent on the page, and click-through rates, we can make data-driven decisions to continually optimize the conversion path for new visitors.

Internal Linking for SEO and UX 🔗

Internal linking is often an overlooked aspect of e-commerce SEO, yet it holds immense power in boosting your site’s performance. These are the hyperlinks that connect one page on your website to another, creating a web of interrelated content. Internal links serve two critical functions: they help search engines like Google understand the structure and content hierarchy of your website, and they guide visitors through a journey, leading them to other relevant and valuable content. At ScaledOn, we leverage internal linking as an integral component of our comprehensive SEO strategy.

Strategic Internal Linking Framework

The key to effective internal linking lies in its strategic implementation. It’s not just about linking pages; it’s about linking the right pages. By understanding the importance, relevance, and relationship between various pieces of content, we develop an internal linking structure that is both SEO-friendly and user-centric. Our aim is to enhance user engagement, reduce bounce rates, and, most importantly, improve the crawlability of your site for search engines.

Anchor Text Optimization

The anchor text—the clickable text in a hyperlink—plays a role in internal linking. Optimized anchor text provides both search engines and users with relevant context about the content of the link’s destination. However, over-optimizing with keyword-rich anchor text can backfire, potentially triggering search engine penalties. We practice balanced anchor text optimization, mixing branded, generic, and keyword-focused phrases for an effective linking strategy.

Topical Clusters and Content Silos

Creating topical clusters or content silos is an advanced internal linking technique that we utilize. In this approach, a main “pillar” page serves as the core hub of content for a specific topic, and multiple related articles or pages (“cluster content”) link back to this pillar page and to each other. This establishes the pillar page as an authority on the topic, which can result in higher search rankings. It also provides users with a wealth of interconnected content, enriching their experience and encouraging longer site visits.

Link Equity and Page Authority

Every page on your website has a certain level of “authority” in the eyes of search engines, often referred to as “link equity.” Effective internal linking strategies distribute this link equity throughout your site, helping to boost the authority and search visibility of multiple pages. This is particularly important for new or less visible pages that can benefit from the authority of well-established pages on your site.

Sharing Your Content on Social Media 📣

Social media may not be a direct ranking factor in SEO, but its influence on brand visibility, engagement, and web traffic makes it an indispensable component in your overall digital marketing strategy. Once you’ve poured your resources into creating a high-quality, SEO-optimized piece of content, sharing it on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram amplifies its reach and impact. At ScaledOn, we don’t just stop at optimizing your content for search engines; we extend this optimization into the realm of social media to ensure that your brand’s message is heard far and wide.

Crafting a Tailored Social Media Sharing Strategy

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to social media sharing. Each platform has its own set of best practices, audience behaviors, and content preferences. Thus, it’s crucial to craft a tailored social media strategy that aligns with your brand’s voice and the specific nuances of each platform. Your posts should effectively encapsulate your content’s essence, nudging users to click through and engage with the full article or landing page.

Platform-Specific Formatting

Different social media platforms have different ideal post lengths, image dimensions, and user expectations. A Facebook post may require a different tone and visual style than a LinkedIn post or a tweet. At ScaledOn, we focus on platform-specific formatting to maximize engagement and click-through rates.

Hashtags and Mentions

Hashtags are not just trendy; they serve a functional purpose by categorizing your content and making it discoverable. Using relevant hashtags can extend the reach of your posts beyond your immediate followers. Similarly, mentioning influencers or related companies in your posts can attract a broader audience and foster valuable industry relationships.

Timing and Frequency

When it comes to social media, timing is crucial. Sharing your content when your audience is most active can significantly boost visibility and engagement. We analyze user data to determine the optimal times for posting on each platform. Similarly, the frequency of posts is essential; too many could annoy your audience, while too few could result in lost opportunities.

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Measure the Results and Refresh Your Content 📈

The final, yet arguably most crucial, step in the content creation process is measurement and analysis. In the rapidly evolving landscape of SEO in 2023, resting on your laurels after publishing content can be a costly mistake. Continual monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) can offer insights into what’s working, what’s not, and where opportunities for improvement lie. At ScaledOn, we integrate analytics into every SEO strategy, ensuring that each piece of content—be it an article, landing page, or social media post—continues to align with SEO and business objectives.

The Lifespan of Content: An Evergreen Approach

Market conditions change, consumer preferences evolve, and Google’s algorithms get updated. As a result, what may have been a stellar piece of content a year ago could be entirely irrelevant today. This is why refreshing and updating your content is not just advisable—it’s necessary. By revisiting and revamping older content, you improve its quality and extend its lifecycle, making it perennially relevant in search engine rankings.

Tracking Key Metrics

Among the various KPIs to track, metrics like organic traffic, dwell time, scroll rate, and conversion rates are especially critical. They provide a snapshot of how well your content is performing in both attracting and engaging your audience. Tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush offer comprehensive data tracking options that we utilize to keep a finger on the pulse of your content’s performance.

The Art of Content Refresh

Refreshing your content doesn’t necessarily mean rewriting it from scratch. Sometimes, small tweaks like updating statistics, adding new subsections, or improving meta descriptions can make a significant impact. Refreshing also involves revisiting the SEO elements of the content—updating keywords, enhancing readability, and ensuring that all internal and external links are functional and relevant.

Re-promotion of Updated Content

After your content has been updated, it deserves to be re-promoted. Share it once again on social media, re-send it in your newsletter, or even consider paid promotion to maximize its renewed potential. At ScaledOn, we manage the re-promotion process meticulously to ensure that your refreshed content receives the attention it warrants.

Periodic Content Audits

Just like an occasional health check-up, your content requires periodic audits to assess its continued relevance and performance. An audit can identify gaps in your content strategy, flag outdated or underperforming pieces, and suggest ways to optimize your content portfolio. A periodic content audit is a regular feature of our SEO services, ensuring that your content remains in prime shape.

Hire Professional Content Writers! 🥇

The process of creating SEO-optimized content is intricate, involving multiple stages, from business review to media integration. Yet, each step is crucial for ensuring that your content ranks well in search engines and resonates with your target audience. At ScaledOn, we bring the expertise and experience of helping US companies worth $12.7 billion achieve successful exits. So, you’re not just getting a service; you’re getting a partnership that aims to unlock your business’s full potential.

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